About Shamanic Healing
Shamanism is a spiritual way of living that is essentially earth-based wisdom.
Shamanism is a spiritual way of living that is essentially earth-based wisdom. All indigenous cultures and all peoples of the earth have roots that connect them back to some form of shamanism. Every culture & nation and its very rooted beginning were connected to the Earth and her wisdom. Traditionally the Shaman would support the community or individual that was sick or out of balance, and would travel to the other worlds on their behalf, they would also support those who were transitioning from life.
The Shaman would go into trance through rhythm and journey into the realms, into a limbic space to retrieve soul fragments and information.
Shamanism is not one “thing”. A Shamanic practitioner moves through multiple realms to support their clients. Their connection to the earth and the elements are a significant part of their ability to move through the realms and receive information for their client.
Shamanic support can vary from energy sessions, breathwork, and the use of various plant medicines. People’s experiences vary and based on what they are moving through it may be physical or even deeply emotional.
Benefits of Shamanic healing
Shamanic Healing is for you if:
You are on a path of deep healing and personal transformation
You are striving to be embodied in your path and healing journey
You take accountability for the shifts and transformations that you are calling into your life
You are seeking balance in your body & emotions
You are ready to clear old patterns a belief systems
You know you are your own medicine & healer and seeking support
Shamanic Healing is NOT for you if:
You are addicted to spiritual bypassing
You are not interested in doing the hard work of letting go of old patterns
You only want one session and a quick fix
You only want to work with energy and spirit but do not want to work with the earthly wounds and the patterns in the human realm
You are seeking a magic pill
You want me to fix you